Under-Inflated Tires

Dangerously Under-inflated Tires

Under-inflated tires reduce fuel efficiency, which raises fuel consumption and therefore carbon dioxide emission. In the US, 40% of the cars ride on under-inflated tires. In Europe, the percentage of cars with under-inflated tires is an astounding 93.5%.

The main reason behind underinflated tires, of course, is that they are not monitored or monitored inaccurately. When a car runs low on fuel, a dashboard needle indicates it. This isn't the case with underinflated tires for the vast majority of the older cars in the world today.

The extra fuel consumption caused by underinflated tires annually produce 57 million tons of carbon dioxide in the US alone. Extrapolated globally, this means that 242 million tons or 14% of the carbon dioxide pollution from cars in the world can be eliminated by doing something very basic: putting air in underinflated tires.

As well as being partly responsible for global warming, underinflated tires are also a safety hazard, as they can lead to tire failures and accidents on the road. Underinflated tires also wear faster and therefore increase tire costs.


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